How To Carry Out Manuscript Proofreading

Proofreading your manuscript

Proofreading is not basic or simple. Nor should it be done rapidly; manuscript proofreading ought to be continuous all through the whole book writing process. Beginning with altering the introductory draft and until supporting the page proofs-precisely, verifications proofreading is an indispensable step in delivering a quality book.

Text style:

In manuscript proofreading, leave the extravagant text styles. There is no need for an original copy to be composed in diverse text styles or text dimensions. Pick one and simple to peruse textual style and size, Times New Roman 12 is standard. Fancier text styles tend to obscure letters together or have scripts where a few letters are almost unrecognizable.

Utilize the magnifying glass:

Maybe not truly, unless you’re manuscript proofreading on paper, but rather than perusing the original copy at 100% perspective, expand it so it fills the screen-150 or 200% is fitting.

Turn on the invisibles:

Invisibles are every one of the spaces you can’t see on the page. Each time you hit the space bar, which is between each word; your PC system will leave a little spot between the words. It will make a little passage symbol while you hit “return” to begin another section. The invisibles can improve things significantly.

Peruse slowly and multiple times:

Nothing in manuscript proofreading is more critical than perusing gradually. Yes, it can be a bit exhausting, yet a lapse free original copy is justified, despite all the trouble.

Read out loud:

We suggest perusing loudly so everyone can hear amid the editing, you will be amazed by how you can enhance the tone and style by perusing your original copy and you will get subtleties which you would not have gotten before by listening to yourself.

Take a gander at each word and each letter. Giving careful consideration to every word and letter in manuscript proofreading is crucially essential. Numerous creators depend a lot on spell-check. Spell-check won’t catch words that are effectively spelled, however in the wrong place. This procedure is tedious so you likely won’t stay with it for long, yet it is great because it shows starting editors to work slowly and focus.

At long last, do get a second supposition. Edit your work. After it is complete, offer it to another person to edit. Try not to anticipate that the other individual will make it impeccable and after that consider the employment done.

6 Steps For Writing A Novel

Writing a novel

Writing a novel for the first time as any author will tell you can be extremely challenging and daunting. The toughest part is often knowing where to start, and also how to keep going all the way to the end. However, thinking about the novel and the writing process from the onset will only add to your anxiety about the process. The key for many is organisation, organising yourself, your time, your ideas and the plot. If you are embarking upon the process of writing a novel for the first time, below you will find 6 useful steps that may help breakdown the process for you during this journey.

Use your natural creativity

Creativity is one the most important elements of being an author. However, there will be times when you may find it difficult to think, or transfer your thoughts to paper. Writers block can vary depending on the person. It is important to know how your brain works, what environmental conditions and state of mind enable you to be at your most free thinking and creative state. Understanding this prior to writing a novel will help greatly.

Organise yourself

Organisation is a quality which is almost universally important in a wide variety of tasks and jobs. When writing a novel this will be important in two aspects. Firstly, writing is a gradual process and should not be rushed at the same time you want to manage your time effectively. So learning how to make the most of your time will be important. You should aim to establish a routine which you can follow and set a certain number of hours that you wish to devote to writing per day.


Many people will plan to write a novel, however will abandon writing a novel half way through. This is often because people tend to throw everything at the process early on and run out of energy and enthusiasm. Therefore, it will be important to pace yourself and to breakdown how much you intend to write each day.

Create the characters

There are two elements to this steps. Firstly, you should create a broad list of all the characters involved, everyone from the leading characters to those who only have a passing role. Secondly, you should write profiles for each so you have an idea of the kind of people they will be, this will help you to keep the characters consistent throughout.

Write the plot or a synopsis

Write a brief synopsis a couple of pages long, including a list of scenes and key events. You should focus on details such as: What happens? Which point of view is each scene being expressed from? Key conflict and tension points? Although these will be subject to change it will be useful in giving you a broad outline. You will also be able to see if the story flows well and where you may need to make changes.

Writing the novel

This may or may not be the most difficult part for you. However, as you will have broken down the stages and developed an idea in your mind of the story you wish to tell this should be easier to get through.

Edit and proofread

Once you have written your first draft, an important element will be to edit and proofread your writing. It is unlikely that you will be perfectly happy with it straight away and you may want to make changes. Take time to read and edit your writing, as making changes will be just as important as the writing itself. Once you are happy, proofreading your writing for grammatical errors will help to polish your work so that it stands the best chance of attracting potential publishers.

Obtain an instant quote for our proofreading service

At Express Proofreading we offer a professional proofreading service for authors. We are able to ensure that your novel is not only free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, but we will also check syntax and sentence structure to give you added peace of mind.

To obtain an instant quote for us to proofread your novel, click the Instant Quote button below. Upload your document and our Quote Generator will calculate an instant quote based upon the word count of your novel. Once you are happy with your quote, you can then click Place Order and proceed to our secure checkout page.

Proofreading Manchester

Professional Proofreading

Express Proofreading Manchester is a professional proofreading service. Specialising in academic proofreading and editing services for students. We cover all academic disciplines and match your work to an editor with the relevant background and experience in your field. We are able to proofread a wide variety of academic work including but not limited to:

  • academic assignments,
  • academic dissertations,
  • academic journal articles,
  • academic conference papers,
  • academic research proposals,
  • academic PhD theses.
Experienced Academic Editors

At Express Proofreading Manchester all of our academic proofreaders have the highest level of expertise. As a minimum we ensure that all of our academic editors hold Masters/PhD qualifications. From leading British universities and have extensive experience proofreading and editing academic work.

Professional Manchester Proofreading Service

Due to the expertise of our editors we are able to ensure that your work is not only free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. We also check syntax, sentence structure and are able to recommend improvements and suggestions that are relevant to your work. We also as part of our standard proofreading service recommend content improvement suggestions. We will also check that your tables and footnotes are correct and consistent with your bibliography.

It is essential that work is clear, coherent and is grammatically accurate. This will not only assist the reader in ensuring that they are able to understand the points that you are making but it will also create a positive, professional, academic tone to your work. This will also aid an examiner who is marking your work, to understand the points that you are making and consequently award you with higher marks.

Over the years we have helped many students improve their work from students to professors. Often when proofreading your own work errors begin to go unnoticed due to your engrossment in the content. We are able to take a fresh look at your work and ensure that your work is free from any such errors. We have many success stories of students achieving higher marks due to our proofreading service.

International Students

If you are an international student you can rest assured that our editors have the necessary experience to proofread your work. We will ensure that it reads grammatically correct and flows well. We understand that writing in a second language can have its challenges. This is exacerbated when writing academic work. Therefore, we are able to take a fresh look at your work and ensure that your grammar, syntax and style of work is in line with what is expected.

Instant Quote and Easy Secure Order Process

At Express Proofreading Manchester we offer a professional proofreading service. To place your order with us, simply click Instant Quote below. Upload your document and our quote generator will calculate an instant quote for you, based upon the word count of your document. Once you are happy with your quote, you can then click Place Order and proceed to our secure checkout page.

A Guide To Online Blog Writing

The importance of blog writing

Blog writing has become extremely important for small businesses over recent years. As it provides small businesses with access to free marketing. By publishing useful, insightful articles or updates relevant to your industry you are able to disseminate these releases throughout the internet. This in turn provides useful information to potential customers, builds brand awareness, generates traffic and potentially improves search engine rankings for your website.

Create a plan

Before you begin the writing process it is helpful to first create a list of titles of different topics and ideas that you could write about in a calendar for the next month or two. This would give you a clear direction of where the content would be going in advance. Also having a clear plan as to what you are going to write about will make the process quicker and will also enable you to think about the topics before you begin writing.

Think about valuable resources to link to

Just as important as the writing is providing useful resources, if you are writing about a topic and need to refer to a third party site you should link to that site so that the user has the benefit of undertaking further research if needed. It will also add authority to your blog by making it seem credible and impartial.

Writing your blog articles

Two of the most important considerations when you begin writing will be to decide on your tone and style. This is important as the tone and style of your writing will set the background and context for your writing, it can be informal, technical or even conversational. Ultimately this will depend on what you would like the feel of your website and brand to be. Consistency in tone will help to provide consistency throughout your written content and make the reader feel familiar with your brand.

Setting aside time to write

A few days before you are going to start writing ensure that you have set aside time for when you will have no distractions and will be solely focussed on writing. You should aim to do a quick first draft, breaking down your content into subheadings and then once written down you should come back to refine the writing if necessary. Finally proofread your writing to ensure that you have no errors and then it is ready to publish and go live!

Our website content creation service

Express Proofreading specialises in original website content creation, our team of editors and writers have years of experience in writing content for new websites and maintaining and developing brands via the use of online blogging to promote brands. For further information as to our content creation services, please visit our content creation page.

Our website content proofreading service

We also offer website content proofreading services. We are able to ensure that your website content is not only free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors but we also check syntax, sentence structure and are able to recommend improvements and suggestions that are relevant to your industry and target market. For further information on our website content proofreading services, please visit our business proofreading page.

How To Plan And Prepare Website Content

Writing website content

The online world is increasingly fundamental to the success of many businesses, having a strong online presence ensures that you are able to appeal to a wider global audience. This will often take the form of having a company website that is engaging, with regularly updated content. Moreover, unique and original content is also important in attracting  new customers and developing your brand online. This will not only attract potential customers but it will also aid your brand development, and increase its online credibility and consequently result in higher rankings for your site.

Therefore it is important to break down the process of preparing content for your website step by step and to identify different types of content and their purpose.

Website content pages

This refers to content that is needed to highlight you who are, what you do and what you provide, as well as additional related material such as how to contact you, your terms and conditions and so on. As minimum to appear professional all websites should have the following pages and content addressing each area:

  • Homepage – this will detail in brief your company, what you provide and your key goods and or services.
  • About us page – this page will aim to expand on your company and provide detailed information as to your mission statement, your ethos, values, as well as who you are.
  • Services or products page – this page will aim to expand on your products and or services and provide information relating to each of those products or services, including prices, delivery and how to place the order.
  • Testimonials or FAQ page – these pages although not essential are nonetheless important in reassuring customers and providing answers to common questions that your customers will typically have. Ultimately these will also assist in increasing your sale conversion rates as customers gain confidence in your brand.
  • Contact us page – this is an important page as it will reassure customers that they can get hold of you should they have any issues with their orders, and it will also enable customers to contact you with any queries in the event that they are unable to find the answers via your FAQ page.
Our website content creation service

Express Proofreading specialises in original website content creation, our team of editors and writers have years of experience in writing content for new websites and maintaining and developing brands via the use of online blogging to promote brands. For further information as to our content creation services, please visit our content creation page

Our website content proofreading service

We also offer website content proofreading services. We are able to ensure that your website content is not only free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors but we also check syntax, sentence structure and are able to recommend improvements and suggestions that are relevant to your industry and target market. For further information as to our website content proofreading services, please visit our business proofreading page.

A Guide To Plural Possessive Nouns

Plural Possessive Nouns

A plural possessive noun is used to represent more than one thing or person and denotes ownership. There are numerous types of nouns, nouns can be defined as words that name people, places and things. However, there are different ways to categorise them, some types will fall into several categories. We will now take a look at different types of nouns and how they may be used.

Common noun: This includes everyday things such as ‘Cat’ ‘dog’
Proper noun: These type of nouns refer to a specific person, place or thing and they are always capitalized. Examples include: Eiffel Tower, Tower of London.

Countable noun: These type of nouns as the name suggests refer to things that can be counted, such as books, trees etc.

Uncountable noun: In contrast to countable nouns these are things that are neither singular nor plural. Examples include: water, luggage, coffee etc.

Collective noun: This refers to a collective or group of things or people. As a whole group is referred to as a unit collective nouns are used as a singular noun, if however there is more than one unit then you would use the plural. Examples include: jury, family, society etc.

Concrete noun: These refer to things that may be experienced through your senses. Examples include: song, salt, family etc.

Abstract noun: These refer to things that cannot be seen, felt or tasted and generally refer to things such as emotions, beliefs. Examples include: trust, sympathy, democracy etc.

Rules for Plural Possessive Nouns

The function of a noun within a sentence can be to refer to the subject or an object. They can modify by either being possessive or an appositive. They can also modify by acting like an adverb or an adjective. For example, in “I went home” the noun “home” modifies the verb “went”, so it is acting like an adverb, indicating “where.” A “storm drain” has the noun “storm” modifying the word “drain”, so it acts like an adjective.

To make a noun plural, which means that there is more than one of them, you would normally need to add an “s.” Certain nouns that end with an s, x, ch, or sh need an “es” added. Examples include:

witches, buses, kisses, boxes, bushes, or Joneses

There are special nouns that have irregular or mutated plurals. Some of these are:

  • child – children
  • woman – women
  • person – people
  • goose – geese
  • mouse – mice
  • deer – deer

Finally, certain words retain their Greek or Latin form when making a plural. Examples include:

  • nucleus – nuclei
  • syllabus – syllabi
  • cactus – cacti
  • thesis – theses
  • fungus – fungi
  • criterion – criteria

Most importantly, remember: A plural possessive noun is used to represent more than one and to show ownership.

Tips For Proofreading Your Thesis

Why proofread?

When you are writing your thesis ensuring that your text is free from any mistakes can be crucial in helping you to attain higher marks. Using the spell checker functionality can help, however it is far from perfect and can often omit certain basic errors. This is why proofreading your thesis thoroughly is so important as well as asking others to proofread it too if possible.

Below you will find useful tips and techniques to help your proofreading sessions be more efficient and effective.

1. Concentration and focus

When proofreading it is important to remember that your sole aim is to spot mistakes and not to simply read over your work. Being in the correct state of mind is extremely important, as if you are distracted you will be unlikely to spot every mistake. Switching mobile phones off, avoiding social networking or anything that could distract you will give you the best possible chance to spot each and every possible error.

2. Print a copy

Often reading on a screen can be different to reading on paper, so printing out a copy to proofread can help you catch errors you may have otherwise have missed. Also reading aloud will also help you to hear errors you may not have seen whilst reading.

3. Look out for Homonyms

Homonyms are essentially words that share the same spelling or pronunciation, however have a different meaning. Common examples of this are using ‘accept’ with ‘except’ or ‘complement’ with ‘compliment’ these are often used interchangeably and incorrectly.

4. Look out for Contractions and Apostrophes

These are common errors, therefore being aware of this will help you to spot them, many people often mix ‘their’ and ‘they’re’, ‘its’ and ‘it’s’, ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ and so on. Also with regards to the apostrophe remember it is never used to form plurals.

5. Also check the punctuation

Focusing on the words and phrases used is important, however do not neglect the punctuation. Pay close attention to capitalised words and whether places or names which should be capitalised have not been capitalised, also look out for missing or extra commas, the use of full stops and so on.

6. Reading your thesis backwards

During the writing process as you would have been reading and going over the work constantly, it is common to become blind to your own mistakes, as the brain starts to automatically “correct” wrong words inside sentences. A good technique to break this pattern is to read the text backwards, word by word.

8. Ask someone else to proofread your thesis

After proofreading your work thoroughly taking into account all of the above points, it would still be recommended that you ask someone else to have a look. You will be surprised at the mistakes that you may have missed. Also a second person proofreading will also be in a stronger position to evaluate whether the sentences make sense or not.

Obtain an instant quote for our proofreading service

At Express Proofreading we offer a professional thesis proofreading service. We are able to ensure that your work is not only free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors but we also check syntax, sentence structure and are able to recommend improvements and suggestions that are relevant to your work. We will also check that your tables and footnotes are accurate and consistent with your bibliography.

To obtain an instant quote for us to proofread your work, click the Instant Quote button below and upload your document and our Quote Generator will calculate an instant quote for you based upon the word count of your document. Once you are happy with your quote, you can then click Place Order and proceed to our secure checkout page.

How To Improve Your English As An International Student

Improving academic writing

Strong academic writing is fundamental in academia, if you are reading this article, you will no doubt already understand the importance of good writing in your academic studies. There are no shortcuts or easy ways to become an expert in academic writing. However, we have a number of tips that may help you as an international student to refine your academic writing skills to enable you to present your work to a higher standard.

Two of the most fundamental and basic elements to improving your academic writing are to read more and write more. As the more you read the more you will absorb different writing styles and the intricacies of different writing styles which will assist you in developing your own style. This will also then help you in your writing and the more you write, the more you will get better at expressing your thoughts and ideas.

This will of course take time so patience will be key, there are a few tips that will assist you along the way:

  1. Becoming a translator, this is not to say that you need to become a professional translator. However, simply translating your favourite books, stories or articles will draw your focus to the writing. Thus, translating between English and your native language will give you a greater insight into the words being used, how to use them correctly and their context.
  2. Analyse academic writing in your field in the form of academic research papers and journal articles throughout your studies. You will of course be doing this regularly, however, when reading them do not simply skim through them, try to pay close attention to the authors writing style and the words used and try to consider how you would phrase what you are reading.
  3. Find out what help is on offer at your institution, most institutions whether they are colleges or Universities will offer support in helping you to improve your writing. They may be in the form of workshops, writing classes or one-on-one meetings with your tutor to discuss your writing. These will be invaluable and you should definitely make the most of these and attend them.

Your tutors will not proofread your assignments, however their critique and feedback will be invaluable, ask them to look at whether there are common mistakes you make so that you can work on improving these. Also ask your tutors to comment on how well they are able to understand your points and if not why. These comments will enable you to go back and work and hopefully improve your academic writing as a result.

Improving your academic writing will take time and will not bring results overnight, the first steps are to become aware as to what good writing is, and then applying your findings to improve your own writing over time. With hard work, patience and diligence your writing will improve!

Academic Proofreading For International Students

If you are an international student and are looking to have your academic writing proofread, you can rest assured that our editors have the necessary experience and expertise to proofread your work to ensure that it reads grammatically correct, and flows well. We understand that writing in a second language can have its challenges. This is exacerbated when writing academic work. Therefore, with our academic proofreading service we are able to take a fresh look at your work and ensure that your grammar, syntax and style of work is in line with what is expected.